bog complex造句
- Broad-toothed rats inhabit the hummock grasslands, wet heath and bog complex.
- A portion of the site lies within the Glenamoy Bog Complex Special Area of Conservation.
- There are roads and private residences along much of the lake, except the southeastern side where the Caribou Bog complex borders the lake.
- The "'Orono Bog "'is a bog that covers and is part of the Caribou Bog complex in Orono.
- The wildlife area is a diverse deciduous and coniferous forest, wetland and bog complex, with upland openings and waterfowl impoundments with wild rice.
- There is only a small area of raised bog on the side, but formerly it comprised a very large bog complex which extended towards the northwest of the lake.
- Furthermore, the inner parts of Broadhaven Bay known as Sruwaddacon Bay is designated as a Special Protection Area ( SPA ) and, together with the nearby Glenamoy Bog complex SAC important for wintering wildfowl species, in particular for brent geese, which is Annex II listed under the EU Birds directive.
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